The reporting process

Telling the police or Crimestoppers
If a crime is taking place, someone is in danger, or the suspect is nearby, call 999.
If it’s not an emergency, call the police on 101, report online or go to your local police station.
If you want to report a crime anonymously, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or give them information online. By reporting a crime, you could help stop the suspect causing more harm to you or other people.

Getting a crime reference number
When you report a crime to the police, you’ll be given a crime reference number.
Make sure you keep a note of the number – you’ll need it whenever you contact the investigating officer for an update on the case. Call 101 and give your crime reference number to be put through to the investigating officer.

Meeting your needs
When you give a statement to the police, they will assess your needs. The needs assessment includes:
- when and how you want to be contacted
- any language, communication or cultural needs you may have
Whatever needs you have, you’ll be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect. Any reasonable changes can be made (such as using an interpreter) to make sure you get the information and support you need.
The police will also assess whether you’re vulnerable or intimidated. They’ll talk to you about special measures to help you give your best evidence (for example, speaking from behind a screen if the case goes to court).
Everyone under the age of 18 is treated as a vulnerable witness.

Giving a witness statement
A witness statement is a written account of what happened, and it can be used as evidence in court.
The person interviewing you must make sure that:
- they consider what help you might need to make the statement
- they understand and accurately record what you’re telling them
- you get to check that it’s an accurate record
- you can change anything that’s incorrect before you sign it
Once you’ve signed your witness statement, you won’t be able to change it. But you can give a new one to the police if you want to add more information.
If you’re a victim of the crime, the police will also give you the chance to make a Victim Personal Statement.

Making a Victim Personal Statement
A Victim Personal Statement is different to a witness statement. It gives you the chance to describe how the crime has affected you physically, mentally, emotionally or financially.
If your case goes to court, your Victim Personal Statement will be shown to the defendant and their lawyers. It can also:
- be questioned in the courtroom (called ‘cross-examination’)
- be read out if the defendant is found guilty
You might be asked to make a Victim Personal Statement if:
- you’re intimidated or vulnerable, you’ve been persistently targeted, or you’re the victim of a serious crime
- you’re the parent or guardian of a young victim of crime
- you’re a close relative of someone who’s died as the result of a crime
Once you’ve signed your Victim Personal Statement, you won’t be able to change it. But you can give a new one to the police if you want to add more information.
You can also give an updated Victim Personal Statement just before the case goes to court. This will help you describe things that didn’t come up when you first spoke with the police.

Getting support after reporting a crime
Free, confidential and independent support is available to all victims and witnesses of crime.
Let the investigating officer know if you would like more information on what support is available, or find support in your local area.

Your rights when you report a crime
You have the right to get:
- written confirmation of the crime you’ve reported
- a clear explanation of how the criminal justice system works
- help working out what support you need (a ‘needs assessment’)
- a referral to organisations that can offer you support
- the option to make a Victim Personal Statement explaining how the crime has affected you
- information on restorative justice
You can read more about your rights as a victim or witness of crime in the Victims’ Code and the Witness Charter.

What you should do when reporting a crime
- Keep a note of the crime reference number.
- Let the police know if you don’t understand what they’re telling you.
- Make sure you carefully check your statements before signing them.
- Tell the police if you’re feeling nervous or vulnerable.
- Ask for a police officer’s contact details so you can stay updated on the crime.
- Check that the police have considered all your needs.

What happens next
After you’ve reported a crime, the police will reassure you about next steps and the police investigation process.
Investigating officer
The police officer in charge of your case who can keep you up to date with the investigation. You can call them on 101 and give your crime reference number to be put through to the right person.
Restorative justice
Bringing together people affected by crime with those responsible to find a positive way forward.
Special measures
The extra support a court can provide to help vulnerable or intimidated witnesses give their best evidence. These measures could include putting screens around the witness box.
Victim Personal Statement
Your chance to describe how the crime has affected you. You can read your statement aloud in court, or it can be read out for you. If an offender is considered for early release from prison, you can make a new Victim Personal Statement for the Parole Board.
Victims’ Code
The Victims’ Code explains the rights that everyone can expect to receive as a victim of crime. Different versions are available, including leaflets, an easy-read booklet, and the full code in English and Welsh.
Witness Charter
A government document that sets out how those who witness a crime or incident can expect to be treated by criminal justice agencies . Different versions are available, including an easy-to-read brochure and the full charter in English and Welsh.
Witness statement
A written or recorded account of the facts and details of a crime.
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