Preparing to go to court

The Witness Care Unit provides information and support to victims and witnesses, and the police will tell you the name of the unit who will be assigned to your case.
The unit will be in touch to:
- make sure you give your best evidence at the trial
- let you know where and when the trial will happen
- help you get to the trial and give evidence, including arranging childcare or organising transport
If you’ve given a statement, you’ll be able to see it again before you give evidence, so you can remember what you said.
If you’re the close relative of someone killed as a result of a crime, you can ask to meet the Crown Prosecution Service lawyer and find out what could happen at the trial. You might also be able to meet them if you’re going to court as a witness.
These video guides will help you understand the process and what to expect when preparing to go to a court or tribunal. There are BSL translations available too.

What happens next
Find out about going to court on the day of the trial.
Crown Prosecution Service
The Crown Prosecution Service presents criminal cases at court after they have been investigated by the police.
Witness Care Unit
The Witness Care Unit describes a police-led function which provides information and support to victims and witnesses in cases progressing through the criminal justice system. This unit may be known by another name in your local area.
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