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Know what to expect as a witness

The Witness Charter sets out the standards of service that you can expect from criminal justice agencies in England and Wales as a witness of crime.

Key standards of care for witnesses include:

  • having a main point of contact who will keep you informed of the progress of the case and will either provide support or refer you to relevant support services
  • being able to claim expenses for travel to and from the court, and compensation for any loss of earnings as a result of attending court
  • having a needs assessment to identify any help you may need to give evidence during the investigation or in court
  • receiving ‘special measures’ to protect you if you’re a vulnerable or intimidated witness – these may include giving evidence from outside the courtroom via video link, and asking the judge and barristers to remove their wigs and gowns
  • being given information about the court and the court process
  • being treated with dignity and respect at all times

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